Combat Pet Dander and Improve Indoor Air Quality

Pollen, dust and dander can accumulate in your pet's fur and pollute the air in your home. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognizes that biological pollutants are the primary cause of indoor air hazards. Pet dander and other pet allergens can stay in the air longer than other allergens due to their microscopic size and irregular shape, making it easy for them to be carried through the air and attached to furniture, bedding, and fabrics. They can even be carried inside and outside the house.

The American Lung Association defines pet dander as small, often microscopic pieces of skin shed by animals that have feathers or fur. Pet dander can cause allergic reactions in people who are sensitive to these allergens. If you or a loved one sneezes or wheezes in your house, it may be due to an allergy to pet dander. Even breeds labeled as hypoallergenic can trigger allergy attacks, although, since they shed very little hair, symptoms may decrease.

This is because the dander that causes the allergy and that clings to their fur is not released to the air or to the floor as much as in the case of a dog that loses hair. The proteins found in urine also contribute to allergies, so cleaning the sandbox is essential for a good quality home. In more serious cases, a person may also develop a severe rash or eczema in response to pet dander. While these small rodents pose a threat to people with the worst allergies, keeping them mainly in cages limits the spread of pet dander and helps maintain good air quality.

The best way to limit the impact of pet dander on air quality is to periodically remove it from the house. Mix and match as many of the following allergen control techniques as possible to permanently control pet dander levels: regular vacuuming; washing bedding, curtains, and other fabrics; using an air purifier with a HEPA filter; cleaning furniture; and ventilating your home. If you can't avoid being around the animal, you can prevent the pet's dander from remaining by making sure that all furniture, rugs, and clothing are cleaned immediately and often after contact. Taking simple steps such as ventilating and cleaning the house and using a HEPA air purifier can help you combat pet dander and other common indoor air pollutants. HEPA stands for high-efficiency particulate air, and the HEPA filter is designed to capture pet dander and other very small particles that pollute the air.

When fabric moves, pet dander will re-enter the air and have the possibility of causing an allergic reaction. To get rid of pet dander that's already circulating, you'll want to get an air purifier with a HEPA filter. Physical contact with pet dander can cause contact dermatitis, skin rash, hives, or cause asthma in a person. You should regularly clean the places where your cat is climbing or your dog is reclining to prevent pet dander from accumulating. By following these simple steps you can reduce your exposure to pet dander and improve your indoor air quality. Regularly vacuuming, washing bedding and fabrics, using an air purifier with a HEPA filter, cleaning furniture, ventilating your home, and cleaning any areas where pets have been will help keep your home free from pet allergens. If you suffer from allergies due to pet dander or other indoor pollutants, it's important to take steps to reduce your exposure.

Taking simple steps such as regularly cleaning your home and using an air purifier with a HEPA filter can help reduce your exposure to pet allergens.