How Long Do Pet Allergy Symptoms Last After Exposure?

The initial allergy attack can last around two weeks until a new benchmark is found, but that new benchmark doesn't include immunity. Everyone is different, and some people may not feel the difference until all the allergens have disappeared. It's important to consider other places where animals can live, as going to those places can increase and prolong allergy symptoms. These places include friends' homes, campgrounds, zoos, animal shelters, pet stores, and more.

Pet allergens can build up on furniture and other surfaces. Allergens can adhere to walls, fabric furniture, and clothing. They can be attached to carpets, pillows, and other surfaces. They can remain at high levels for several months.

Pet allergens can cause symptoms up to six months after the animal dies, especially cat allergens. Cat allergy symptoms will persist as long as you're close to an allergen. When you're no longer close to the allergen (for example, if your friend has a cat, when you return home), the symptoms of cat allergy should go away within a few hours. Some of these symptoms are also signs of a common cold.

However, if they last longer than two weeks, you could have an allergy and should see your doctor. Pet allergens can be found in homes, classrooms, workplaces, and other places where pets have never been. There is a myth that certain breeds of dogs or cats with short hair cause pet allergies, while pets with longer hair do not. Allergic reactions last until the cat dies and all pet dander disappears from the house and everything in it.

But even after the pet is gone, many symptoms can still linger for months afterwards. Pet dander and hair can remain in the home for months and even years after the animal has passed away. If you think you may be suffering from pet allergies, it's important to get tested by a doctor or allergist. They will be able to determine if you have an allergy and what steps you need to take to manage it.