How to Get Rid of Pet Dander and Make Your Home Allergy-Friendly

Removing pet dander from your home can be a challenging task, but it is possible with the right strategies. Before vacuuming, use a damp cloth to wipe down hard surfaces such as walls and baseboards. This will help reduce pet allergens in the air. The American Asthma and Allergy Foundation (AAFA) recommends removing furniture, wall-to-wall rugs, and scrubbing walls and carpentry to reduce pet dander.

Consider replacing old carpets with wood or tile floors for better results. The AAFA has certified vacuums that can help remove pet hair and dander from wooden floors and carpets. Bacteria, dust mites, and pet dander can be found on furniture and beds that are moved out of the house before new owners arrive, so carpets can be a haven for allergens that can remain even after thorough cleaning. Dandruff allergens can stay in the air for a long time, so visitors may continue to experience an allergic reaction even after the pet leaves the house or after cleaning it.

If you have a furry family member, weekly baths can reduce pet dander by up to 84%. However, this is not enough to completely get rid of pet dander in your home. The AAFA suggests using a vacuum with a high filtration grade (MERV rating) to help remove pet dander from the air conditioning system. People with severe allergies should not allow their pets into the bedroom, as this is where they spend one-third of their time.

When I started having headaches and sneezing a lot, I asked my allergist how I could get rid of pet dander at home. Pet hair only serves as a vehicle for other allergens, since it attracts dust, urine, saliva, and pet dander. Controlling pet dander in the home can help make your living space more welcoming and comfortable for visitors in general. Fortunately, there are tips you can follow to live with animals without letting their pets' dander affect you. The first step is to keep your home clean.

Vacuum regularly using an AAFA-certified vacuum cleaner with a high filtration grade (MERV rating). This will help remove pet hair and dander from carpets and wooden floors. Additionally, use a damp cloth to wipe down hard surfaces such as walls and baseboards before vacuuming. This will help reduce pet allergens in the air. Another way to reduce pet dander is to bathe your furry family member weekly.

This will help reduce pet dander by up to 84%. However, this is not enough to completely get rid of pet dander in your home. Finally, if you have severe allergies, it is best to keep your pets out of the bedroom. This is where you spend one-third of your time and it can be difficult to keep it free of allergens. By following these tips, you can make your home more allergy-friendly and comfortable for visitors. With regular cleaning and bathing of your pets, you can reduce the amount of pet dander in your home and make it more welcoming for everyone.