How to Get Rid of Pet Dander in Your Home: Tips for a Pet-Friendly Home

Pet dander can be a nuisance for those with allergies, and it can stick to EVERYTHING in the house and last a long time. Cat dander lasts longer than dog dander, since it is transmitted longer through the air. The fact that pet dander is light helps it stay in the air for several hours. In some cases, pet dander stays for 20 to 30 weeks, according to allergists.

Cat dander is made up of small scales of skin shed by cats, which are lightweight and easily carried through the air, where they can attach to surfaces such as clothing, furniture, and bedding. Pet dander can remain in the house for up to 4 to 7 months after the pet dies. Allergens can adhere to walls, fabric furniture, and clothing, and can remain at high levels for several months. The filtration grade of the air conditioning filter (also known as the MERV rating) helps remove pet dander from the air conditioning system.

Even though weekly baths can reduce pet dander by up to 84%, remaining allergens can cause problems. If you're allergic to pets, exposure to pet dander can lead to serious problems, such as sneezing, chronic coughing, shortness of breath, or itchy eyes. Keeping your pets away from areas such as the bedroom can significantly reduce hours of contact with dandruff. Pet dander sticks to EVERYTHING, from rugs and sofas to beds, floors, and even people.

Removing pet dander from hard surfaces, such as walls and baseboards, is extremely difficult with a dry cloth because the particles will return to the air. If you have a furry family member, you've probably wondered how to get rid of pet dander in your home. In addition to tearing out the carpet completely, the best solution for eliminating pet dander is to clean it regularly. The technician has a special vacuum that can enter the ducts and suck out dirt, debris, and pet dander.

Fortunately, there are tips you can follow to live with animals without letting their pet dander affect you:

  • Vacuum regularly. Vacuuming your carpets and furniture regularly will help remove pet dander from your home.
  • Change your air filters. Change your air filters regularly to help reduce pet dander in your home.
  • Keep pets out of bedrooms. Keeping your pets away from areas such as the bedroom can significantly reduce hours of contact with dandruff.
  • Bathe your pets regularly.

    Bathing your pets regularly will help reduce pet dander in your home.

  • Use an air purifier. An air purifier can help reduce pet dander in your home.
By following these tips, you can help reduce pet dander in your home and keep yourself healthy. If you're still having trouble getting rid of pet dander in your home, consider hiring a professional cleaning service that specializes in removing pet allergens.